Dear Dakota,
You are amazing. Everyday, you amaze me by doing something cute or clever that barely masks the vast intelligence behind those baby blues (and brown). We found you at a shelter, where all the dogs around you were barking and calling out for attention. You were so depressed, you leaned quietly against the chain-link fence hoping someone would come and pet you, to make even the worst of situations a little better. I don't know where you came from, or what happened to you in your past. Whoever lost you or gave you up, lost something so precious that I tear up just thinking of not having you in my life. We have worked so hard to get you to be the great dog you could be, and I know deep down that you are trying too. I can see it in your eyes when you sit for me when I have a treat or when we are going out for a walk. I can even see it when we try to get you to speak to us. You truly want to, but someone somewhere probably told you it was not okay, so you are not sure that you should. We want you to be happy. We want you to feel like you were meant to be with us, even if you couldn't possible understand that concept. I feel like you were meant to be with us. I have no doubts that you were there at the shelter that day just waiting for us to come get you. We will love you and care for you forever. You are such a good dog. The best dog.
Liz and Paul
You are amazing. Everyday, you amaze me by doing something cute or clever that barely masks the vast intelligence behind those baby blues (and brown). We found you at a shelter, where all the dogs around you were barking and calling out for attention. You were so depressed, you leaned quietly against the chain-link fence hoping someone would come and pet you, to make even the worst of situations a little better. I don't know where you came from, or what happened to you in your past. Whoever lost you or gave you up, lost something so precious that I tear up just thinking of not having you in my life. We have worked so hard to get you to be the great dog you could be, and I know deep down that you are trying too. I can see it in your eyes when you sit for me when I have a treat or when we are going out for a walk. I can even see it when we try to get you to speak to us. You truly want to, but someone somewhere probably told you it was not okay, so you are not sure that you should. We want you to be happy. We want you to feel like you were meant to be with us, even if you couldn't possible understand that concept. I feel like you were meant to be with us. I have no doubts that you were there at the shelter that day just waiting for us to come get you. We will love you and care for you forever. You are such a good dog. The best dog.
Liz and Paul