I did a Google image search for "swoon worthy" (because I search these things from time to time,) and found some fairly amusing images. But seriously. This guy: Vince Vaughn, with his pin striped double breasted suit with a sharp tie, fedora, vintage camera, and smirk, is seriously WTF-how-is-he-so-fucking-dreamy swoon worthy. You wanna take a picture of me? I'll let you. I'll take my shirt off too, as long as you promise to keep your photos all to yourself. Yes, you can get some of them printed in black and white and hang them around your apartment, as long as they are framed tastefully. Oh, you want to roll around in bed? Sure, I'm down. You can hang up your suit in my closet so it doesn't get wrinkled. I'll help you take it off. Yes, I have a coat rack, and you can definitely hang your hat there. Are you sure you don't want to wear it to bed? I made you a scarf. I'm happy you love it. It looks dashing with your suit and coat. Sure, I'll go ice skating with you, but only if you hold my hand. Oh, you are bad at it too?
Oh dear. I can't wait for cooler weather. Rosy cheeks, string lights, snow, suits and sweaters and knit hats and soft scarves, warm beds and cuddles.