I spent the last week in Auburn, AL for Thanksgiving with my boyfriend's family. Auburn, home of Auburn U, is a quaint college town in eastern Alabama. There weren't many rednecks. A lot of Southern folk, definitely, but I met more liberal types than anything else. Patrick's parents were super swell. If I could aspire to be a couple when I get older, it'd probably be them. Usually, spending a week with the (someday in the future) in-laws the first time you meet them is recipe for disaster, but I cannot express how great they are. Sometimes I feel like the luckiest lady in the world, having him in my life. All right, now I'm just embarrassing myself. I hardly took any pictures, but here are a few:
This is where I ate my Thanks giving meal this year. It was so beautiful:

Here's Patrick. You can see their interesting house in the background:

Anyway. I'm back, and I definitely missed Philly.
Hi Liz.
I'm Kathy.Darrell's sister.
Just wondering why it's 3 red's & Head.
Hi Kathy! It's actually "Red Red Bed Head", because my hair is always a little red, and because it perpetually looks like I just rolled out of bed. Thanks for asking!
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