Friday, April 27, 2007

Oh journal, I've left you stranded in this dark and scary hole of the internet. Never again. Please forgive me for only coming to you when I am down. I owe you a greater debt than I could possibly repay.

Today, it is raining frogs and hogs, and it really does get me down. My horoscope tells me I'm thinking of some kind of metaphorical buried treasure, which might be the truest thing I've ever heard, though who knows what truth really is. To be honest, I think truth is like an ocean (Yes, the same ocean you threw me in a few months ago [how harsh the truth can be sometimes, even when it isn't that deep!]), and the deeper you go, the more pressure it puts on you to escape it. Some people can endure a life accepting the truths of everything to come at them, and some people break under the pressure. Perhaps that's why some people (like me) are so delusional? Maybe, but the buried treasure is so deep in that ocean I'm afraid I might not come back alive after my search.