Thursday, August 31, 2006

This book I'm reading, Fierce Invalids Home from Hot Climates (Tom Robbins), deals a lot with hypocrisy. The lead character "Switters" is a vegetarian, but eats gravy. Hates the government but works for the CIA. Dispises organized religion but is considering joining the Catholic faith. It really makes hypocrisy hilarious to me. It's definitely taken the edge off a lot of things that used to bother me. I strongly recommend it. I have been on a Tom Robbins binge lately, and I just bought his first book yesterday Another Roadside Attraction along with Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. I am pretty much going to force myself to read Altas Shrugged before another Robbins book (though Paul demands I hurry up and read Even Cowgirls Get the Blues so we can watch the movie [I heard it sucked]). I might even read Lost Languages: The Enigma of the World's Undeciphered Scripts (Andrew Robinson) as well, before allowing myself to move onto Robbins. I might become a girl obsessed. Pretty soon I'll be moving to Seattle and stalking him. I'll throw beets at him. He'll never know it was me!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Fugitive polygamist sect leader nabbed in Vegas

"Jeffs reportedly banned television, newspaper, radio and media of any kind, including the Internet.
He also banned holidays, the colour red, and laughter."

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

This is the worst week ever (exaggeration). In fact, it's as though the worst weekend ever is overflowing and it is spewing it's schmutz all over everything around it. Ruined! My favorite pair of shoes, with schmutz filling the toes. I got into a lovely little debacle today. My car got it's schmutz all over another car in a far off place that even the police were questioning how the schmutz got into a crack that small. Thankfully, my fellow pilot agreed that the schmutz was becoming far too prevalant these days. Dank and nasty, it leaves a sticky trail wherever it goes. We frowned, and the police came.


Sunday, August 27, 2006

The lovely Maurer Wedding. Click to see.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Lately, I've been pretty conflicted by my views on movies and books. I enjoy them, they transport me. I am afraid that I am not living my life fully by absorbing myself in someone else's life so wholly. I've read three books in less than two weeks. What could I have done during that time to experience reality? Am I masking my life behind fiction? During work I read profusely. There honestly isn't much else for me to do, especially in the realm of experience, so I feel it may be appropriate then. Yet, when I get home, instead of stepping outside and seeing new things, I yearn to step inside and experience someone else's cooked-up travels. A life or experience that someone else has created to entertain whoever may pick up the book or movie. Makes me sad, even sick.

Perhaps I should stick to non-fiction or documentary? But then, will I still be experiencing something that wasn't meant to be my experience, even though it really happened?

Ugh, I need a motrin. To dull yet another of my own stone-cold realities. Cramps.


Revelations! No, not the hair-raising short story in the you-know-what. Realizations, may them be small or large, that may change your day or change your life. Today, it was somewhere in between.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Why is it when I am shopping for tampons, I am constantly forced to label my flow? Why must I conform to regular, super, or ultra super? What if I find my flow to be spectacular, or perhaps outta-this-world? Where can I buy tampons to help me express that my monthly visitor is so looked forward to that I blow up my fancy air mattress and give it my best sheets? How can I ever show my feelings, when my choices are regular, super, or ultra super? It is certainly not regular, infact, I have an over-abundance of "regular" tampons floating around my bathroom and bedroom. They never seemed to fit my flow's style quite right. And super and ultra-super... If someone told you you were "ultra-super", how flattered would you really be? Would you really feel welcome in their house, or would you find yourself feeling alienated and unwanted. Please, my fabulous moon visitor, come back to me every month. Our affair is rather fulfilling, and I couldn't bear to see you go!
It's official, I am practicing lunarception. I am NOT trying to concieve, so I guess more appropriately, my cycle is lining up with the big fat moon. Today is the New Moon, and I have starting menstrating. I've never given much thought to it, but after reading about it, I realized that I have been doing it without even trying.