Friday, September 01, 2006

Today, I bought Linguistics: An Introduction by Andrew Radford, Martin Atkinson, David Britain, Harald Clahsen, and Andrew Spencer. (I hope it doesn't take that many people to read this book!) The other book about the lost languages is apparently for a skill level I have not quite reached. So, being fascinated, I am starting to read up on linguistics. It all sounds so easy, but I assure you it isn't. Originially I was going to get The Story of Writing by Andrew Robinson, thinking I would be on the right track, but no, I was being mislead. Apparently in linguistics, writing is considered to be secondary to speech. Makes quite a bit of sense considering you don't start to learn to write until atleast a few years after you learn to talk. So, now that I'm on the right track, I shall be writing novels on deciphering scripts before Einstein can come back to life and exclaim "Eureka!".

Which is to say, that will never happen...

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